Peenisa thailam used to cure health problems like Sinusitis, Chronic cough, Migraine, Headache, Dust allergy, Frequent sneezing, Irritation in nose, Blocked or running nose and Irritation of ears. Its healing and soothing effect help one to heal quickly with the help of natural and herbal ingredients.
Massage Oil, Respiratory Diseases, Siddha, Stress and Anxiety management, Thailam
Peenisa thailam
+ Free ShippingPeenisa Thailam is mainly used to cure health problems like sinus, fever, cold, cough, headache, migraine, and many other neuromuscular issues. Its healing and soothing effect help one to heal quickly with the help of herbal ingredients
DOSAGE: How to use: Apply this peenisa thailam in scalp, and take bath after one hour in water. Apply 2 drops in nostrils once in four days
INGREDIENTS: seasame oil, false daisy, chinese chaste, rock salt, snap ginger, log pepper, castor, tellichery bark, wild petanias, ginger, kuth root, cleansing nut tree, soya, false black pepper, goat milk
Daily care | Massage oil |
Product form | Thailam |
Product type | Siddha |
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