“Nannari also known as Indian sarsaparilla is a plant native to India and is used in Ayurveda. It helps to cool the body. It’s also a blood purifier and one of the remedies for urinary infections. It also improves digestion.
Benefits of Nannari Sarbath:
1. Nannari sharbath is an effective way to treat our stomach disorders.
2. Relief from constipation, and acidity, while also purifying blood.
3. It removes the excess body heat, Perfect refreshing drink during the summer season.
Ingredients of Nannari Sarbath:
Nannari Root
Hemidesmus indicus (sarsaparilla)
Saccharum officinarum (Sugarcane)
How to Make: Take 30ml of Nannari sharbhath in one glass cold water and mix it with some drops of lemon juice to enhance its taste.”
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